Change Your Life | September 19 2024 No. 879







This Week's Reflection


Quite a few of the people with whom I've worked over the years are into their golf - and, more often than not (at least at the outset), it's driving them mad!!


The problem with the game of golf is that you've too much time to think!


And, sadly, normal everyday life is just like a nightmare game of golf... we've always too much time to think.


We waste time thinking about the choices that we have to make and, as a result, either end up procrastinating ourselves into a funk or, worse, allow our thinking mind automatically make the (always wrong) decision.


We waste time thinking about how we, our job, our lifestyle, whatever, compares to our contemporaries and peers - comparative thinking is one of the worst maladies to afflict the thinking mind.


And, of course, we waste an inordinate amount of time thinking about what other people are thinking about us - the essence of pure madness!


As this week's video explains, we're at our best when we're not thinking. As this week's podcast explores, when we think about what others are thinking about us, we get ourselves into all kinds of trouble.


We need to ensure that we don't give ourselves the time to think and, with all the free time that that frees up, we can spend time being, doing and flowing. Now there's a thought!




This Week's Quick Tip


Today, as you eat or drink or, perhaps, a little afterwards as you digest, listen to your gut - I literally mean listen - when we're tuned in our stomachs rumble because flow (meditation) enhances digestive function... the number of times, over the years, that I've heard stomachs rumble while I meditate with others is, well actually, par for the course.


So tune in, listen. You might also feel - there's an awful lot of activity and, indeed, energy being burned, in the digestive process - tune into it, you're literally tuning into your gut.


Our bodies are our only interface with the big, beautiful world that we're part of... listen to your's.




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