Change Your Life | September 12 2024 No. 878







This Week's Reflection


Normally (alert... that's a bad word!), when we engage in "what-iffing", it's negative: "what if this goes wrong?", "what if the worst comes to the worst", "what if I can't" - add your own personal "what ifs", we all have them.


But what if your what ifs imagined everything falling into place for you? "What is this just happens?", "What if I do exactly the right thing?" "What if what I'd love falls into my lap?"


With the very best will in the world, we do - all of us from time to time - talk to ourselves. And our Selves are always listening. If you're going to allow yourself get involved in any self-talk, make sure that you treat your Self gently, that you "what if" the best outcomes and that you don't restrict yourself when it comes to... Dreaming Big Dreams.


I'm using the word dream in a very particular way (not the normal way!) - where we, so to speak, let our imagination run a little riot, where we allow ourselves be liberated from the negative "what ifs" even if it's only for a few moments.


A few moments is all it takes for you to have an "Aha Moment" - there's a clue to how that works in the word moment!


So allow yourself have the odd flight of fancy - you might find it to not be odd at all.




This Week's Quick Tip


Read this week's Reflection - it builds on this week's video and even on this week's podcast.


And watch what you're saying to yourself - as we said a few weeks ago, words have power... give yourself the power.


There you go... two Quick Tips this week!




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