Change Your Life | August 15 2024 No. 874







This Week's Reflection


What got you to where you now are won't get you to where you want to go.


OK, that's only 96% true - because there are people who are where they are as a result of taking control of their own state of mind so that their energy flows. And, when your energy flows, so does life.


If you're an online program owner, you're in the process of joining The 4% Club. If you're not but you're a regular reader, viewer of these little weekly offerings, you're knocking on the door.


But back to my initial generalisation.


Today, Thursday August 15th, you are where you are. I know, that's obvious - but so many people want to analyse how they got here, what they could have done differently, what might have been different if other people had behaved differently towards them or, perhaps, had not misbehaved (a very common affliction!).


But regrets, what-might-have-beens and analysis will root you to the spot - at best. To move forward, we leave analysis behind, we leave the past behind and, as we've said over the last couple of weeks, we "leave the old world behind".


To sail off into a bright new future, we unfurl our sail now. That's all we have to do. What an online program owner recently referred to as "the gentle breeze of opportunity" will take you forth, into a world that's only imaginable to the four-percenters!




This Week's Quick Tip


Make sure that you're sail's unfurled right now!


Take a couple of minutes to appreciate where you are right now, what you see (really see), how you feel (in your body), what you hear (purely hear) and even what you smell and taste.


Soak up the moment and let it lift you up and take you forward.




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