Change Your Life | May 30 2024 No. 863







This Week's Reflection


Everything has it's own momentum. Regular meditation builds momentum. Same with consistent mini-meditation. And, obviously, the same is true of diligently choosing, again and again, to be present.


Everytime we do the right thing, we get better at doing the right thing. Most importantly, that means that we get better and better at doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time, in the cut and thrust of our daily lives - when things really matter.


After all, what matters is that the momentum that we build through getting these little things right produces real and tangible results - results that transform the quality of our experience of life.


Obviously, when we get the choice to be present right, that changes the quality of the experience of our life straight away, in that moment, for that moment. Build your momentum and life is transformed in every nook and cranny. And, because to that momentum, the transformation, moment-to-moment, becomes completely effortless.


That's why I insist - I really do! - that we should meditate every morning, why we should mini-meditate half a dozen times a day until the momentum that that builds means that we don't have to choose to mini-meditate any more - it just happens.


That's why we're talking about the momentum of choice this week.




This Week's Quick Tip


Decide that today is a day where you will keep yourself on your toes - like the proverbial ballerina!


Decide that, today, you're going to be constantly and consistently "on your case" - checking, like a diligent time-and-motion researcher, where you are, again and again and again.


Keep yourself on your toes today and you might just find that today is a day of transformation.




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