Change Your Life | May 23 2024 No. 862







This Week's Reflection


Hoovering, scrubbing, polishing, (assuming you don't have someone else to do these things for you - which is an entirely separate conversation that we need to have!), sitting in the car waiting to pick up the kids from school or sports or whatever... every single "chore" is an opportunity for transformation.


And it is purely a matter of choice.


We have to get used to deliberately making choices - moment-to-moment choices - for they are, quite literally, life and death choices: you choose to fully live the moment, whatever it might be, or you're as good as dead.


Every time that we deliberately choose to wholeheartedly just do what we're doing, we deprive the thinking mind of the fuel that it needs to maintain its destructive and malign influence on our lives.


If we don't make these deliberate choices for ourselves, our thinking mind will make the choice for us - and the choice that the thinking mind makes will always be wrong, always leading us back into the same old rutted patterns of normal, crazy, everyday existence. A million miles from living.


I'm often asked what my views are on the so-called "afterlife". I always answer that it is equally irrelevant to the enquirer and myself because, if the only place that I can live to the full is the here and now, what have the far-off hills got to do with anything!?


The great thing is that we only need to keep getting the same choice right - it's not rocket science.




This Week's Quick Tip


Whatever you've got to do next, just do it. Immerse yourself in doing. Don't think about whether you like or dislike doing it or having to do it. Just do it.


What does that mean in practical terms? See, feel, hear, smell and taste the experiences that arise in just doing what you have decided to just do.


As you'll know by now, this is all about making a choice. The more we deliberately choose to be present, the more effortless being present effortlessly becomes.




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